Origami fortune tellers can be a fun, simple game in your music lessons!

A simple activity during music lessons is a great way to give students a short break while still reviewing concepts. Origami fortune tellers are great for this.

I have three Halloween fortune tellers available here. If you haven’t used one before, here are a few tips for how to use origami fortune tellers in your music lessons.

how to use origami fortune tellers

How to fold the fortune teller:

  1. After printing the fortune teller, cut out the square.
  2. Flip the square over so that the blank side is facing up. Fold it in half. Then fold it in half again, creating a smaller square. Press down so that you have good creases formed in your paper.
  3. Open the square up again and put the blank side facing up.
  4. Now fold each corner into the center and press down.
  5. Flip the square over so that the smooth side with no folds is facing up.
  6. Now fold the the corners in again. When you fold these corners in, you will see the numbers.
  7. Then fold the fortune teller in half. Now you can see the four images, two on each side.
  8. You will need to use your fingers to fluff up the fortune teller to make the shape below.

How to play with the fortune teller:

  1. Ask the student to choose one of the four words.
  2. Spell the word out loud while opening and closing the fortune teller. For each letter, open the fortune teller. Alternate the direction that you open it each time.
  3. On the last letter, leave the teller open and ask the student to choose a number. Open the fortune teller in alternating directions again as you count up.
  4. Ask the student to choose a number again. Now open the flap of the number chosen to reveal the corresponding question.

Download the Halloween Fortune Tellers Set 1

Download the Halloween Fortune Tellers Set 2

halloween fortune tellers