This summer I made a new music game with dice for my group classes called Shake & Tap. So far, I’ve used the Music Game with Dice - Shake & Tapgame in two different ways:

  1. I gather the students around the page and have one student roll the dice. The student shakes up the dice in his hands before he rolls it. Then the student taps the corresponding rhythm for the number rolled.
  2. I put one dice for each student in a cup and then let one student shake up the cup and roll the dice out. The students quickly grab the dice that is closest to them. Then they each tap the corresponding rhythm.

This is a quick little game with few rules. If I have a younger student in the class who doesn’t know the rhythm or is shy, the group taps it together. The students absolutely love rolling dice!

I’ve used Shake & Tap in private lessons as well. I take turns tapping the rhythm with the student. Students enjoy seeing which number we’ll each roll.

Download a free sample of Shake & Tap Simple Meter Level 1

Download the full version of Shake & Tap, Simple Meter Level 1