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If you’ve ever had a student ask to learn Canon in D, you know that it may be hard to find the perfect arrangement for your student. However, students can learn how to use a lead sheet to create their own arrangement of a piece. Students enjoy the creativity of making a piano solo with chords and melody. By using a lead sheet, students can make an arrangement that works exactly for their own abilities.

I created the Canon in D Lead Sheet Guide to show students the practice steps for using lead sheets to create a piano solo. Keep reading to learn more about the lead sheet guide.

canon in d lead sheet guide

Included in the Lead Sheet Guide:

1. The Lead Sheet for Canon in D

The lead sheet includes the melody with chord symbols. I’ve put in a few fingerings to guide students. I did not use an excessive amount of fingering in case you or the student prefer different fingerings.

canon in d lead sheet

2. Information Page

This section of the lead sheet guide includes information about lead sheets in general, the composer, and Canon in D.

3. Chord Guide

Colored keyboards show the notes of each chord.

canon in d lead sheet

4. Accompaniment Patterns

This page shows various options for left hand accompaniment patterns. I’ve included nine accompaniment patterns as options for the left hand.

canon in d lead sheet

5. Extra Ideas

This page of the guide includes tips for creating an introduction and ending, practice steps, and extra ideas for creating a piano solo.