ThFullSizeRender-2is year I am offering optional Saturday group classes to my students about once a month. Last Saturday I held a performance group class for students who are participating in a competition this coming weekend. The class not only allowed students to get out pre-performance nerves, but also taught them to listen critically to each other.

Before the students performed for each other, they made five flashcards. One card had five stars, another card had four stars, another had three, and so forth. After a student performed his piece for the group, I asked the group to rate the performer’s dynamics. They then held up the appropriate card. For example, if the performer’s dynamics were really great, the students each held up a card with five stars. If the performer’s dynamics needed improvement, they held up a card with three or four stars. I asked the students to rate each other on dynamics, memory, mood, and rhythm.

They really enjoyed playing for each other. After their first performance, we used the second piano in my studio to try performing on a different piano. By the second performance, their nerves were completely gone!
